February 10th: The Lesson of the Hidden Life

What was the lesson that the Hidden Life at Nazareth was designed to teach? It was simply this: that the highest and most perfect kind of life does not consist in one occupation more than another, not in severe penances, not in active zeal, not in works of self-denying charity, not in living remote from all in order to spend one's life in contemplation and prayer, but simply in doing the will of God from day to day. This and naught else is the secret of all sanctity--to do the will of God simply and solely because it is the will of God, from day to day.

Is this an easy lesson? No, it is the most difficult lesson in the whole world. He who has really learned it in its perfection is already a great saint. It means that self and self-will are dead within him, and that he can say with the Apostle, "I live, now not I, but Christ lives in me." How far from this am I, in whom self lives, and is so strong!

Is this an important lesson? It is the most important lesson in the whole world, as it is the most difficult. Without having learned it we can never attain to solid or lasting happiness. We are always exposed to have our happiness destroyed by something that we think we have reason to regret; something that interferes with our self-will, or threatens to interfere with our comfort, or with what we fancy will tend to our welfare or happiness. If only we could learn the secret of doing the will of God simply because it is His will, our life would be a heaven upon earth.

Music: The Shepherds' Farewell
from L' Enfance du Christ Op. 25
by Hector Berlioz

1. Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling,
The humble crib, the stable bare.
Babe, all mortal babes excelling,
Content our earthly lot to share.
Loving father, Loving mother,
Shelter Thee with tender care!

2. Blessed Jesus, we implore Thee
With humble love and holy fear.
In the land that lies before Thee,
Forget not us who linger here!
May the shepherd's lowly calling,
Ever to Thy heart be dear!

3. Blest are ye beyond all measure,
Thou happy father, mother mild!
Guard ye well your heav'nly treasure,
The Prince of Peace, The Holy Child!
God go with you, God protect you,
Guide you safely through the wild!

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